The microinstallations is a series of small interventions in urban space to restore the forgotten city, neglected locations. With minimalistic design (almost no design) and with the micro financial resources we bring to the revitalization of holes in the urban net.
Thinking about the whole city, based on needs analysis and exploration of rifts in urban planning we prepared for Wroclaw a series of microinstallations that we are gradually realizing.
First of series was realized during Dofa (Lowersilesian Festival of Atchitecture). Close to the historic bridge, placed on the forgotten concrete stairs leading to the river. Simple half-chairs, half-sunbed restore this location for the public.
The design realized with support of Museum of Architecure in Wroclaw.
Design: Magda Szwajcowska, Michał Majewski, NO studio (
Curator: Michał Duda
Graphic design: Marian Misiak
Wroclaw, Stairs near Piaskowy bridge